Dear R-Help,

my name is Henrik and I am currently trying to solve a Maximum Likelihood 
optimization problem in R. Below you can find the output from R, when I use the 
"BFGS" method:

The problem is that the parameters that I get are very unreasonable, I would 
expect the absolute value of each parameter to be bounded by say 5. 
(furthermore the variable stdev should be greater than zero).

One of the problems seems to be that I need to bound the stdev-variable from 
below by zero to avoid the  NaN:s produced. I unfortunately do not know how to 
do that.

Below "y" is the dataset, to which, I want to fit the parameters. I.e. y is the 
vector (or R equivalent) of observations.
I have also multiplied the log-likelihood function by -1, since I know that R 
by default minimizes the objective function.

I would be very happy if you can come up with some Ideas on what is going wrong 
in the code below.

Thank you for your time!


> data<-read.table(file="c:/users/oukal.csv",header=TRUE)
> y<-data$V1
> loglik<-function(estimate,y)
+ {
+ lap<-estimate[1]
+ stdev<-estimate[2]
+ rev<-estimate[3]
+ n<-length(y)
+ 0.5*n*log(2*pi)+ 0.5*n*log(stdev) +
+ (1/(2*stdev*stdev))*sum(y-(rev/12)-lag(y)*exp(-lap/12))
+ }
> optim(c(4,4,4),loglik,y=y,method="BFGS")
[1] -4884.34155   445.52350    88.53777
[1] -1.910321e+174
function gradient
     290        7
[1] 0
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