Thank you so much Ista.

I have problems with pictures too.

xyplot( mcmc(x) )

Why doesn't this work ? Sorry for posting all these questions :-(


2010/4/27 Ista Zahn <>

> Hi Randall,
> Sounds like you need to make friends with the str() function, and
> perhaps read the documentation about data types in R. For your
> particular problem:
> library(coda)
> m1 <- matrix(runif(100), nrow=10)
> m1.sum <- summary(mcmc(m1))
> str(m1.sum)
> library(xtable)
> xtable(m1.sum$statistics)
> xtable(m1.sum$quantiles)
> Best,
> Ista
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Randall Wrong <>
> wrote:
> > This is the kind of output I get with summary(mcmc(x)). I would like it
> in
> > LaTeX. There are two tables.
> >
> > Iterations = 1:10
> > Thinning interval = 1
> > Number of chains = 1
> > Sample size per chain = 10
> > 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
> >   plus standard error of the mean:
> >        Mean    SD Naive SE Time-series SE
> > [1,]  0.7237 3.374    1.067          1.252
> > [2,] -1.7883 4.317    1.365          1.644
> > [3,]  0.8384 3.422    1.082          1.047
> > [4,]  1.0750 3.195    1.010          1.087
> > 2. Quantiles for each variable:
> >        2.5%      25%     50%     75% 97.5%
> > var1 -1.5408 -0.91681 -0.1798  0.7134 7.929
> > var2 -4.1454 -3.89975 -3.5207 -2.1781 7.706
> > var3 -2.0412 -0.79606  0.3247  1.0445 7.999
> > var4 -0.9809 -0.08847  0.1895  0.4980 8.015
> >
> > Thank you very much for any help,
> > Randall
> >
> > 2010/4/27 Randall Wrong <>
> >
> >> I forgot to say that the coda package is loaded.
> >>
> >> Randall
> >>
> >> 2010/4/27 Randall Wrong <>
> >>
> >>  Dear R users,
> >>>
> >>> I have a matrix x of simulated values. Each column corresponds to one
> >>> variable.
> >>>
> >>> summary(mcmc(x)) works fine
> >>>
> >>> I would like however to transform the ouput into a nice LaTeX code.
> >>>
> >>> xtable( summary(mcmc(x)) ) does not work.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>> Randall
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
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>  --
> Ista Zahn
> Graduate student
> University of Rochester
> Department of Clinical and Social Psychology

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