On Apr 29, 2010, at 3:49 PM, johannes rara wrote:

Thanks for the quick response. I tried to install from R-Forge but it
seems that data.table is not currently available?

Warning: unable to access index for repository
Warning message:
In getDependencies(pkgs, dependencies, available, lib) :
 package ‘data.table’ is not available

Try installing from source?

(Worked for me just now from within the 64 bit 2.10.1 Mac R using the GUI Installer with "Other repository" and http://R-Forge.R- project.org/ )

(Also, the warnings did not appear.)



2010/4/29 Tom Short <tshort.rli...@gmail.com>:
Johannes, please try the latest version on R-forge (1.4). That error
has been fixed, and it's much faster. We hope to have that to CRAN
reasonably soon.

To install, use:


- Tom

Tom Short

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 3:40 PM, johannes rara <johannesr...@gmail.com > wrote:
I'm trying to learn data.table package but I get a following annoying
error message:

trying URL 
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 66823 bytes (65 Kb)
opened URL
downloaded 65 Kb

The downloaded packages are in
/var/folders/n-/n-wPTanPGa4PpVd0bTgCOU+++TI/-Tmp-// RtmppqPptG/downloaded_packages
cr <- data.table(cars)
cr[speed == 20]
    speed dist
[1,]    20   32
[2,]    20   48
[3,]    20   52
[4,]    20   56
[5,]    20   64
Warning messages:
1: In `[.data.table`(cr, speed == 20) :
 This R session is < 2.4.0. Please upgrade to 2.4.0+.
2: In `[.data.table`(cr, speed == 20) :
 This R session is < 2.4.0. Please upgrade to 2.4.0+.

I'm using R 2.10.1 (see sessioninfo below), so why this error message
keeps popping up?

R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14)

[1] fi_FI.UTF-8/fi_FI.UTF-8/C/C/fi_FI.UTF-8/fi_FI.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] data.table_1.2 ref_0.97

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] tools_2.10.1


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