thanks.. worked

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Ted Harding <>wrote:

> On 03-May-10 21:19:34, steven mosher wrote:
> > The situation arises where I open a file to write a data.frame
> > to it.  with write.table.
> >
> > multiple lines are written to the file and the file is kept in
> > Append=TRUE
> > mode.
> >
> > If one sets the col.names to the names of the variables being
> > written, you have output that looks like this...
> >
> > name1 name2  name3.....
> >
> >  x          x         x
> >  x          x         x
> >  x          x         x
> > name1  name2  name 3
> >  x          x         x
> >  x          x         x
> >  x          x         x
> >
> > And so forth as each time write is called, the col.names are written.
> >
> > Setting col.names=NULL obviously removes them.
> >
> > I thought a simple solution would be to check for the file existence
> > first and on the first write, include the col.names. with append=T.
> > on subsequent writes, col.names would be set to NULL.
> > that didnt work and threw warnings.
> >
> > Is there anyway to do this. basically open a file for writing, with
> > append=TRUE and only write the col.names once at the first write.
> > or am I stuck and forced to write the whole file without the col.names
> > and then read back in and rewrite with col.names="the cols names I
> > want"
> The following (which uses a tiny dataframe I had lying around after
> responding to an earlier query) looks like what you want to do
> (provided you first test existince of the file before switching
> to the second form of write.table()):
>  foo
>  # $Bar1
>  # [1] 1
>  # $Bar2
>  # [1] 2
>  # $Bar3
>  # [1] 3
>  # $Bar4
>  # [1] 4
> write.table(foo,file="foo.txt",row.names=FALSE,
>            col.names=c("Bar.1","Bar.2","Bar.3","Bar.4"),
>            append=FALSE)
> write.table(foo,file="foo.txt",row.names=FALSE,
>            col.names=FALSE,append=TRUE)
> write.table(foo,file="foo.txt",row.names=FALSE,
>            col.names=FALSE,append=TRUE)
> write.table(foo,file="foo.txt",row.names=FALSE,
>            col.names=FALSE,append=TRUE)
> write.table(foo,file="foo.txt",row.names=FALSE,
>            col.names=FALSE,append=TRUE)
> Contents of foo.txt after the above:
>  "Bar.1" "Bar.2" "Bar.3" "Bar.4"
>  1 2 3 4
>  1 2 3 4
>  1 2 3 4
>  1 2 3 4
>  1 2 3 4
> Ted.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <>
> Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
> Date: 03-May-10                                       Time: 23:24:55
> ------------------------------ XFMail ------------------------------

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