On 04/05/2010 9:41 AM, Rainer Scheuchenpflug wrote:
Dear R-Experts,

a student of mine tries to use the Windows-Rconsole with screen reading
software (she is blind), and cannot access the command line (Menus are ok).
The company which produces her screen reader tells her that this is due to
the cursor used in Rconsole, which is static, not blinking. They maintain
that if the cursor could be changed to a blinking one, she should be able to
access the command line and outputs.

For my last exam she used R in a Dosbox as workaround, but encountered other
problems, esp. with scrolling. So: Is it possible to change the cursor
type/behavior in R-Console? She uses R 2.8.1, Windows 2000, and screenreader Virgo 4.6 from Baum Retec,
if that is any help.

Your assistance with this problem and any other tips for teaching R to blind
users will be much appreciated, Rainer Scheuchenpflug
We are aware of problems when using the Windows Rgui with screen reading software, but nobody in R Core has expertise in this area. If you know of any programmers who do and who could contribute code to the project, I think we'd appreciate it.

In the meantime, using Rterm in a command window is one solution. There are also other front ends available that may work: running R from within Emacs, or using the JGR front end (see the article on p. 9 of http://stat-computing.org/newsletter/issues/scgn-16-2.pdf).

Duncan Murdoch

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