Thank you so much for pointing on this obvious check of the MS Access
database! Inspired, I tried to import the csv-file directly into the MS
Access database and I encountered an Error saying (freely translated from
Danish) : "Cannot find search key".
The MS Access database is in MS Access-2000 format and I run MS office 2007
on my machine. Hence I tried to make a new MS Access-database in 2002-2003
format and did the same operations in R. With this new set-up for the
database I had no problems at all saving the large dataframe from R to the
new database. It did the saving of even much larger dataframes quickly.

So somehow, setting the database up in 2002-2003 format solved the problem
for me. Thank you very much!
2010/5/16 Orvalho Augusto <>

> Let us see if it is a R issue.
> Try this:
> Read the CSV on Ms Access directly. It is an importation on MsAccess.
> If you succeed we will check R then.
> Caveman
> On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Johan Lassen <>
> wrote:
> > Dear R-community,
> >
> > After repeating the sqlSave-command 3 times on a dataframe (of size 13149
> > rows * 5 columns) to my MS-Access database I get the following error:
> >
> > *Error in sqlSave(channel, eksport_transp_acc_2, "transp_acc_scenarier",
>  :
> > unable to append to table ‘transp_acc_scenarier’*
> > **
> > This means that the first 2 savings are completed, but the third-one
> > is somehow not. I have an idea that perhaps it is due to some
> out-of-memory
> > problem. My PC has 2 CPUs, 1.83 G Hz, 0.99 GB RAM.
> >
> > Have anyone got some idea of what causes and solves the problem? I have
> > tried also with the function "*gc()*", but without success.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Best regards,
> > Johan
> >
> >
> >
> > PS:
> > I use the following code, where the file *eksport_transp_acc_2_rbind.csv*
> is
> > of size 13149*5:
> >
> >
> > *library(RODBC)*
> > **
> > *eksport_transp_acc_2 <-
> > read.table(file = "results/csv/eksport_transp_acc_2_rbind.csv",
> >  sep =";", header = T)*
> > **
> > *sqlSave(channel,eksport_transp_acc_2,
> > "transp_acc_scenarier",append = T,fast = F,rownames = F)
> > *
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Johan Lassen
> >
> > "In the cities people live in time -
> > in the mountains people live in space"
> >
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> >
> >
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Johan Lassen

"In the cities people live in time -
in the mountains people live in space" (Budistisk munk).

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