Hi Dennis,

What is the problem with using eval(parse(text=...))? Is there a reason 
why not to use it?
Of course, in that case, "list" within save() is much easier and works 

In any case, thanks for your explanations :)

Le 5/20/2010 10:26, Dennis Murphy a écrit :
> Hi:
> On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Ivan Calandra 
> <ivan.calan...@uni-hamburg.de <mailto:ivan.calan...@uni-hamburg.de>> 
> wrote:
>     Thanks to all of you for your answers!
>     Peter's is definitely the easiest :)
>     for (i in 1:4) {
>       temp <- data.frame(a=(i+1):(i+10), b=LETTERS[(i+1):(i+10)])
>       filename <- paste("file", i, sep="")
>       assign(filename, temp)
>       save(list=c(filename), file=paste(filename, ".rda", sep=""))
>     }
> Tao, I don't understand why you have backslashes before "file" and after
>     .rda. I guess it's something about regular expression, but I'm still
>     very new to it.
>     eval(parse(text=paste("save(file", i, ", file=\"file", i, ".rda\")",
>     sep="")))
> eval(parse(text = ...)) is necessary sometimes, but usually not. This 
> is one of
> the 'not' cases. Re your question, the backslash is used to escape the 
> quote
> within the quote so that it is rendered properly when parsed/evaluated.
>     Jorge, your solution does not work... I've just copy/pasted your code.
>     My second great weakness is with the apply() family. So maybe I
>     have to
>     adjust some part of the code to my needs, but I'm unable to do it.
>     i <- 1:4
>     sapply(i, function(i) {
>       x <- data.frame(a=(i+1):(i+10), b=LETTERS[(i+1):(i+10)])
>     save(x, file = paste("file", i, ".rda", sep=""))
>     } )
> I tried a variation on this solution, and discovered that whenever you 
> load
> a .rda file, the name of the object is the same in all of them. It 
> 'works' in the
> sense that the right object is saved to each of the file*.rda; 
> however, when
> loaded, all the objects have the same name x, so in the end it doesn't 
> really
> work.
> Peter figured out that saving the object as a list was the key - that 
> way,
> the name of the object saved is the value of filename (file*) so that 
> when it
> is loaded back in, the object names are distinct.
> A more interesting question than it appeared at first...
> Dennis
>     Anyway, everything's now fine!
>     Thanks again.
>     Ivan
>     Le 5/19/2010 20:29, Jorge Ivan Velez a écrit :
>     > Hi Ivan,
>     >
>     > How about this?
>     >
>     > i <- 1:4
>     > sapply(i,
>     > function(i){
>     > x <- data.frame(a=(i+1):(i+10), b=LETTERS[(i+1):(i+10)])
>     > save(x, file = paste("file", i, ".rda", sep=""))
>     > }
>     > )
>     >
>     > HTH,
>     > Jorge
>     Le 5/19/2010 22:20, Peter Ehlers a écrit :
>     > On 2010-05-19 12:05, Shi, Tao wrote:
>     >> Ivan,
>     >>
>     >> Try this:
>     >>
>     >> eval(parse(text=paste("save(file", i, ", file=\"file", i,
>     >> ".RData\")", sep="")))
>     >>
>     >> ...Tao
>     >>
>     >
>     > Or just use 'list=' like this:
>     >
>     > for (i in 1:4) {
>     >   temp <- data.frame(a=(i+1):(i+10), b=LETTERS[(i+1):(i+10)])
>     >   filename <- paste("file", i, sep="")
>     >   assign(filename, temp)
>     >   save(list=c(filename), file=paste(filename, ".rda", sep=""))
>     > }
>     >
>     >  -Peter Ehlers
>     >
>     >>
>     >>
>     >> ----- Original Message ----
>     >>> From: Ivan Calandra<ivan.calan...@uni-hamburg.de
>     <mailto:ivan.calan...@uni-hamburg.de>>
>     >>> To: r-help@r-project.org <mailto:r-help@r-project.org>
>     >>> Sent: Wed, May 19, 2010 7:56:44 AM
>     >>> Subject: [R] save in for loop
>     >>>
>     >>> Dear users,
>     >>
>     >> My problem concerns save() within a for loop.
>     >> Here is my
>     >>> code:
>     >>
>     >> for (i in 1:4) {
>     >> temp<- data.frame(a=(i+1):(i+10),
>     >>> b=LETTERS[(i+1):(i+10)])
>     >> filename<- paste("file", i, sep="")
>     >>
>     >>> assign(filename, temp)
>     >> save(filename, file=paste(filename, ".rda",
>     >>> sep=""))
>     >> }
>     >>
>     >> As you can see, save() doesn't work as I would like: (1)
>     >>> the object saved is called "filename" (instead of "file1",
>     "file2",
>     >>> etc), and
>     >>> (2) it of course contains only the name (as character) instead
>     of the
>     >>> data.frame
>     >>
>     >> How can I fix it?
>     >>
>     > [snip]
>     >
>     --
>     Ivan CALANDRA
>     PhD Student
>     University of Hamburg
>     Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Museum
>     Abt. Säugetiere
>     Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3
>     D-20146 Hamburg, GERMANY
>     +49(0)40 42838 6231
>     ivan.calan...@uni-hamburg.de <mailto:ivan.calan...@uni-hamburg.de>
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PhD Student
University of Hamburg
Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Museum
Abt. Säugetiere
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3
D-20146 Hamburg, GERMANY
+49(0)40 42838 6231


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