
first of all, you shouldn't backtransform your prediction, use the option
type=response instead :

salichpred<-predict(salic.lr, newdata=profilevalidation,type="response")

limit <- 0.5
salichpredcat <- ifelse(salichpred<limit,0,1) # prediction of categories.

Read in on sensitivity, specificity and ROC-curves. With changing the limit,
you can calculate sensitivity and specificity, and you can construct a ROC
curve that will tell you how well your predictions are. It all depends on
how much error you allow on the predictions.


On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 10:04 AM, azam jaafari <azamjaaf...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> Hi
> I did validation for prediction by logistic regression according to
> following:
> validationsize <- 23
> set.seed(1)
> random<-runif(123)
> order(random)
> nrprofilesinsample<-sort(order(random)[1:100])
> profilesample <- data[nrprofilesinsample,]
> profilevalidation <- data[-nrprofilesinsample,]
> salich<-profilesample$SALIC.H.1
> salic.lr<-glm(salich~wetnessindex, profilesample,
> family=binomial('logit'))
> summary(salic.lr)
> salichpred<-predict(salic.lr, newdata=profilevalidation)
> expsalichpred<-exp(salichpred)
> salichprediction<-(expsalichpred/(1+expsalichpred))
> So,
>  table(salichprediction, profilevalidation$SALIC.H.1)
> in result:
> salichprediction            0 1
>   0.0408806327422231 1 0
>   0.094509645033899  1 0
>   0.118665480273383  1 0
>   0.129685441514168  1 0
>   0.13545295569511    1 0
>   0.137580612201769  1 0
>   0.197265822234215  1 0
>   0.199278585548248  0 1
>   0.202436276322278  1 0
>   0.211278767985746  1 0
>   0.261036846823867  1 0
>   0.283792703256058  1 0
>   0.362229486187581  0 1
>   0.362795636267779  1 0
>   0.409067386115694  1 0
>   0.410860613509484  0 1
>   0.423960962956254  1 0
>   0.428164288793652  1 0
>   0.448509687866763  0 1
>   0.538401659478058  0 1
>   0.557282539294224  1 0
>   0.603881788227797  0 1
>   0.63633478460736   0 1
> So, I have salichprediction between 0 to 1 and binary variable(observed
> values) 0 or 1. I want to compare these data together and I want to know is
> ok this model(logistic regression) for prediction or no?
> please help me?
> Thanks alot
> Azam
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