
Not sure it is the best solution, but I would create the layout of the 
plot part by part:
plot(type="n") #does not plot
axis(1, at=1:6,...) #set the x-axis at the bottom
axis(4,...) #set the y-axis on the right. I'm not sure that's what you 
were looking for, didn't really understand it
lines(avegrp,...) #plot your data

And do not forget to provide sample data!


Le 5/31/2010 16:44, Jie TANG a écrit :
> here ,I want to plot two lines in one figure.But I have two problems
> 1) how to move one of the y-axis to be the right ? I tried to the
> command"axis(2)",But I failed.
> 2) how to add the axis information correctly.Since I have use the cmommand
> "axis(1,at=1:6,labels=gradeinfo$gradenam)"
>     but it seems that the correct information that I want is superposition
> with the old axis information.What can i do ?
> the script and figure is shown as below .thanks .:)
> outflnm<-paste(Outdic,"meansd.jpg",sep="/")
> jpeg(file=outflnm, bg="transparent")
> legend<-c("average error","stand quare error")
> lgcol<-c("black","red1")
> par(las=1)
> yylab<-c("forecast error")
> xxlab<-c("typhoon class")
> llty<-c(1,3)
> llwd<-c(4,4)
> #par(bg='yellow')
> plot(avegrp,type='l',lty=1,col='black',lwd=4,xlab=xxlab,ylab=yylab)
> par(new=T)
> plot(sdgrp,type='l',lty=3,col='red1',xlab=xxlab,ylab=yylab,lwd=4)
> #axis(2, col = "gold", lty = 2, lwd = 0.5)
> legend("topright", legend,   lty=llty, lwd=llwd,col =lgcol)
> axis(1,at=1:6,labels=gradeinfo$gradenam)
> dev.off()
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PhD Student
University of Hamburg
Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Museum
Abt. Säugetiere
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D-20146 Hamburg, GERMANY
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