Dear Changbin,

Please provide a self-contained, minimal example, meaning the whole code
should run and create the plot as it is now, without having to load your
dataset (which we don't have). Otherwise it's impossible to see what's going
on and help you.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 2:21 AM, Changbin Du <> wrote:

> HI, Dear R community,
> I am using the following codes to do the som. I tried to label the notes by
> the majority vote. either through mapping or prediction.
> I attached my output, the left one dont have any labels in the note, the
> right one has  more than one label in each note. I need to have only one
> label for each note either by majority vote or prediction.
> Can anyone give some suggestions or advice? Thanks so much!
> alex<-read.table("/home/cdu/operon/alex2.txt", , sep="\t", skip=0,
> header=T,
> fill=T)
> alex1<-alex[,c(1:257)]
> levels(alex1$Label)
> alex1$outcome<-as.numeric(alex1$Label)
> alex1$outcome[1:20]
> #self-organizing maps(unsupervised learning)
> library("kohonen")
> #SOM, the supervised learning, train the map using outcome as the class
> variable.
> set.seed(13)
> final.xyf<- xyf(data=as.matrix(alex1[,c(1:256)]),
> Y=classvec2classmat(alex1$outcome), xweight = 0.99, grid=somgrid(20, 30,
> "hexagonal"))
> outcome.xyf <- predict(final.xyf)$unit.prediction#get prediction
> outcome.predict<- as.numeric(classmat2classvec(outcome.xyf)) #change matrix
> to vectors.
> outcome.label<-LETTERS[outcome.predict] #conver the numeric value to
> letters.
> plot(final.xyf, type="property", property=outcome.predict,
> labels=outcome.label, =rainbow, main="Prediction ")
> cl <- colors()
> bgcols <- cl[2:14]
> plot(final.xyf, type="mapping", labels=outcome.label, col="black",
> bgcol=bgcols[as.integer(outcome.predict)],
>          main="Mapping plot")
> --
> Sincerely,
> Changbin
> --
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Joris Meys
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