On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 12:37 AM, baptiste auguie
<baptiste.aug...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Please do read the posting guide, in particular regarding reproducible 
> examples.
> You can use a Grid layout to place the lattice plot and a table in the
> same page. For example,
> library(lattice)
>  library(coda)
>  library(gridExtra)
>   x <- matrix(runif(2200),ncol=22)
>   m <- as.mcmc(x)
>  p = xyplot(m, layout = c(2, 11))
>  pdf(,height=15)
>  arrange(p, tableGrob(as.matrix(summary(iris)), theme=theme.white()),
> heights= unit(c(3,1),"null"))
>  dev.off()

Something like this should also work, except that the grob produced by
tableGrob() doesn't seem to know its height.

      sub = tableGrob(as.matrix(summary(iris)),
                      gp=gpar(cex = 0.5)))

A quick alternative using lattice::draw.key() is

tableKey <- function(x)
    key <- list()
    for (i in 1:ncol(x))
        labels <- c(colnames(x)[i], x[,i])
        font <- c(2, rep(1, nrow(x)))
        key <- c(key, list(text = list(labels, font = font)))
    draw.key(key, draw = FALSE)

splom(iris, sub = tableKey(as.matrix(summary(iris))))


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