Reduce might work. Not sure about the speed advantages though. It does
simplify code.

 Unionall <- function(x) Reduce('union', x)
leaveout <- Unionall(leaves)

On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 9:53 PM, Remko Duursma <>wrote:

> Dear R-helpers,
> thanks for yesterday's speeding-up tip. Here is my next query:
> I have lots of polygons (not necessarily convex ones, and they never
> have holes) given by x,y coordinates.
> I want to get the polygon that is the union of these polygons. This is
> my current method, but I am hoping there is a faster method (up to
> thousands of polygons, each with ca. 40 xy points).
> Example:
> library(gpclib)
> # A polygon
> leaf <- structure(c(0, 1, 12.9, 16.5, 18.8, 17, 16.8, 15.5, 12.1, 8.2,
> 6.3, 5, 2, 0, -1.5, -4.3, -6.6, -10.3, -14.8, -19.4, -22.2, -23.5,
> -22.2, -17.6, -7.8, 0, 0, -2.4, 2.8, 8.9, 19.9, 33.9, 34.8, 40.4,
> 49.7, 69.2, 77.4, 83.4, 91.4, 99, 92.8, 87.3, 81.2, 71.1, 57.6,
> 45.4, 39.2, 26, 15.6, 5.3, 0.6, 0), .Dim = c(26L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(
>    NULL, c("X", "Y")))
> # Lots of polygons:
> releaf <-
> function(leaf)cbind(leaf[,1]+rnorm(1,0,50),leaf[,2]+rnorm(1,0,50))
> leaves <- replicate(500, releaf(leaf), simplify=FALSE)
> # Make into gpc.poly class:
> leaves <- lapply(leaves, as, "gpc.poly")
> # Make union .....
> system.time({
> leavesoutline <- union(leaves[[1]], leaves[[2]])
> for(i in 3:length(leaves))leavesoutline <- union(leavesoutline,
> leaves[[i]])
> })
> # about 1sec here.
> # Check it:
> plot(leavesoutline)
> thanks!
> Remko
> -------------------------------------------------
> Remko Duursma
> Research Lecturer
> Centre for Plants and the Environment
> University of Western Sydney
> Hawkesbury Campus
> Richmond NSW 2753
> Dept of Biological Science
> Macquarie University
> North Ryde NSW 2109
> Australia
> Mobile: +61 (0)422 096908
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