On 6/6/10 7:46 PM, Karsten Loesing wrote:
> Hi Hadley,
> On 5/31/10 9:51 PM, Hadley Wickham wrote:
>> There's no easy way to do this because behind the scenes geom_ribbon
>> uses grid.polygon.
> A possible workaround might be to have grid.polygon draw multiple
> polygons, one for each interval. We can do this by constructing vectors
> with coordinates for the first polygon, then NA, then coordinates for
> the second polygon, etc. Here are the vectors for my initial example:
> x <- c(x[1:4], x[4:1], NA, x[7:10], x[10:7])
> y <- c(ymax[1:4], ymin[4:1], NA, ymax[7:10], ymin[10:7])
> I worked on a simple (but ugly) patch to GeomRibbon in ggplot2 that does
> the job using an iteration:
> /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.10/Resources/library/ggplot2/R$
> diff ggplot2-orig ggplot2
> 5047,5048d5046
> <     data <- remove_missing(data, na.rm,
> <       c("x","ymin","ymax"), name = "geom_ribbon")
> 5050a5049,5069
>>     start <- 0
>>     polyx <- c()
>>     polyy <- c()
>>     for (i in 1:(length(data$x)+1)) {
>>       if (i > length(data$x) || is.na(data$ymin[i]) ||
>>           is.na(data$ymax[i])) {
>>         if (start > 0) {
>>           polyx <- c(polyx, data$x[start:(i-1)],
>>               data$x[(i-1):start], NA)
>>           polyy <- c(polyy, data$ymax[start:(i-1)],
>>               data$ymin[start:(i-1)], NA)

Whoops, change that to:

                 data$ymin[(i-1):start], NA)

>>           start <- 0
>>         }
>>       } else {
>>         if (start == 0) {
>>           start <- i
>>         }
>>       }
>>     }
>>     polyx <- head(polyx, length(polyx) - 1)
>>     polyy <- head(polyy, length(polyy) - 1)
> 5052c5071
> <       coordinates$munch(data.frame(x=c(x, rev(x)), y=c(ymax,
> rev(ymin))), scales)
> ---
>>       coordinates$munch(data.frame(x = polyx, y = polyy), scales)
> Do you like the described approach? Can you help me make my patch better?
> In particular, I'd want to avoid iterating over the data frame and
> extract start and end index of intervals separated by NA. Is there a
> function for this or at least a better approach?
> Also, probably a stupid question: How do I tell R to use the cloned
> ggplot2 sources instead of the installed ggplot2 package? As you can
> see, I modified the installed package, but I'd rather work with Git here.
> Thanks,
> --Karsten
>> On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 7:26 AM, Karsten Loesing
>> <karsten.loes...@gmx.net> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> it looks like geom_ribbon removes missing values and plots a single
>>> ribbon over the whole interval of x values. However, I'd rather want it
>>> to act like geom_line, that is, interrupt the ribbon for the interval of
>>> missing values and continue once there are new values. Here's an example:
>>> library(ggplot2)
>>> df <- data.frame(
>>>  date = seq(from = as.Date("2010-05-15"),
>>>             to = as.Date("2010-05-24"),
>>>             by = "1 day"),
>>>  low = c(4, 5, 4, 5, NA, NA, 4, 5, 4, 5),
>>>  mid = c(8, 9, 8, 9, NA, NA, 8, 9, 8, 9),
>>>  high = c(12, 13, 12, 13, NA, NA, 12, 13, 12, 13))
>>> ggplot(df, aes(x = date, y = mid, ymin = low, ymax = high)) +
>>>  geom_line() +
>>>  geom_ribbon(fill = alpha("blue", 0.5))
>>> When running this code, R tells me:
>>> Warning message:
>>> Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_ribbon).
>>> When you look at the graph, you can see that the line stops at May 18
>>> and starts again on May 21. But the ribbon reaches from May 15 to 24,
>>> even though there are no values on May 19 and 20.
>>> Is there an option that I could set? Or a geom/stat that I should use
>>> instead? In my pre-ggplot2 times I used polygon(), but I figured there
>>> must be something better in ggplot2 (as there has always been so far).
>>> Thanks,
>>> --Karsten
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