Thanks Joris. Very helpful.

I had thought of that, just curious to see if it was possible to get a fresh 
list in R.
After reading your email I think perhaps my wording was a bit loose. I meant 
commands in the pre-installed packages.
So basically, "out of the box" what commands will R recognize.

I had found the full reference manual for R online and parsed the table of 
contents into a nice XML file I could use as a possible solution.
However, your attached file looks a bit more complete (haven't really given 
much thought to the reason yet). Thanks again for sending it.

I'm using Coda on OS X, which is really designed for Web dev, but I like it so 
much I've added support for Stata and now want R. It's got Terminal bult-in, so 
I can invoke R through there.
Anyway, my ultimate goal is to not only get syntax highlighting, but also 
autocompletion. If possible in the prediction, also get the method (where 
applicable) signature. Coda allows all this.
I use this a lot when coding in PHP in Coda and C# in Visual Studio - I think 
Microsoft call it Intellisense or something.

Cheers for the help.

On 13/06/2010, at 9:47 PM, Joris Meys wrote:

> Hi,
> Take a look at any of the R-editors, like Tinn-R, Emacs-ESS, Eclipse
> with StatET,... They contain lists you can use. Also the listings
> package of LaTeX contains a wordlist for R.
> Getting all installed commands out of R is not doable with a single
> command as far as I know. R works completely different than Stata; R
> is a fullblown programming language, not a statistical program. Try to
> find a list of all installed Perl commands for example...
> Attached is the recognition file of Tinn-R. Reserved 1 are special
> keywords, Reserved 2 is a list of the most commonly used commands in
> the pre-installed packages, and Reserved 3 is a list of common
> parameters of those functions. It's submitted with Tinn-R under the
> GNU license, so keep that in mind when using it.
> But instead of re-inventing the wheel and constructing your own
> editor, you could take a look at one of those mentioned above. On
> Windows, I recommend Tinn-R for daily scripting, and Eclipse for
> developing packages and the likes. Both offer the advantage of direct
> communication with the R console.
> Cheers
> Joris
> On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 9:31 AM, Data Monkey <> 
> wrote:
>> I'm pretty new to R, but have experience with other languages, both OO and 
>> scripting.
>> I'm trying to add support for R to my text editor of choice and to do this I 
>> need a list of installed commands I can markup with XML.
>> I'd then simply feed in the marked up list into my text editor's library and 
>> I'm off.
>> I've done this in Stata before using the following command:
>> getcmds using "~/Desktop/StataCommands.txt"
>> Does anyone know of a way to do this in R?
>> Any pointers much appreciated.
>> Thanks!
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> -- 
> Joris Meys
> Statistical consultant
> Ghent University
> Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
> Department of Applied mathematics, biometrics and process control
> tel : +32 9 264 59 87
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> <Tinn-R_recognized words.r>

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