Christian Schulz wrote:
know anybody why this happen ?
I'm using winedt , the old code saved in an .R call syntax error's. Curious is, when i'm type below
the same code , it works ???

...imho a print type problem, what i'm never before observed and can't recognize with my eyes ?

P.S. R.1.6.1 /w2k

thanks for advance & regards,christian

So what are you doing? It looks like you didn't use source(), but copy&paste for your "old" code?

getfile <- function() {
Where do the *three* ">" come from?

+               name <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes="{{SPSS files} {.sav}} {{All files} *}"))
Error: syntax error
WinEdt is a powerful editor - that includes many ways for misconfiguration. You might want to look with an appropriate editor (e.g. any hex editor) into what you have produced ...; this can be done by WinEdt as well: Open the file in the standard WinEdt in mode "binary" - it won't show you exact results, but at least it marks non blanks and line endings differently.

Uwe Ligges

      if (name == "") return;
Error: syntax error

      zz <- read.spss(name, use.value.label=T,
Error: syntax error

      assign("myData", zz, envir = .GlobalEnv)
Error: syntax error

Error: syntax error

tt <- tktoplevel()
button.widget <- tkbutton(tt,text="Select SPSSFile", command=getfile)
Error in .Tcl.args(...) : Object "getfile" not found

Error in .Tcl.args(...) : Object "button.widget" not found

getfile <- function()  {
+           name <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes="{{SPSS Files} {.sav}} {{All files} *}"))
+           if (name=="") return;
+           zz <- read.spss(name,use.value.label=T,
+           assign("myData",zz,envir=.GlobalEnv)
+       }

tt <- tktoplevel()
button.widget <- tkbutton(tt,text="Select SPSS File",command=getfile)

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