>>>>> On Fri, 24 Jan 2003 04:18:14 +0000,
>>>>> Andrew C Ward (ACW) wrote:

  > I created one of these a little while ago. If anyone would like it, email me 
  > separately and I will send it to you.

  > WinEdt is mentioned on CRAN (under Software/Other) and I believe is quite 
  > popular among users of R for Windows. It is shareware, however, whereas ConTEXT 
  > is freeware. I don't see much merit in paying for an editor when R itself is 
  > free. Others may say "Look what I bought with the money I saved on R" :-)

CRAN carries whatever users submit to it ... the fact that there is a
WinEdt configuration file on CRAN is not because it is "the officially
recommended editor" for R, but because Uwe Ligges submitted his code
to CRAN and actively maintains it.
So if you think ConTEXT is a nice and free editor for writing R code on
windows and have already written corresponding configuration maybe you
want to share it with the rest of us? 

I personally use Emacs on Linux ... but would have use for a free and
easy-to-use windows editor for teaching (emacs is free, but not easy
to use).


                        Friedrich Leisch 
Institut für Statistik & DSS                Tel: (+43 1) 4277 38613
Universität Wien                            Fax: (+43 1) 4277 38639
Universitätsstraße 5                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A-1010 Wien, Austria             http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~leisch

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