I have two questions -

1.  I am trying to create R png graphs via cron.  I have this part working
using Xvfb (X virtual frame buffer).  One problem that I have, though, is
that all the fonts on my graphs get messed up.  Anybody have any nija R
commands to make all fonts look great?  Anybody have any idea how to fix
this?  So far, no luck on Solaris or Linux making the Xvfb fonts look

I was thining of sending an e-mail to the Xfree86 org people.  Haven't seen anything 
helpful on google so far.

2.  I really like the png solution that I have working, above, except for
the fonts.  Assumming that I can't get the virtual frame buffer working,
I guess I can switch to bitmap devices.  One thing I have noticed, though,
is that the bitmap files are enormous compared to the png images.  Any
idea how I could make the bmp images smaller (and create faster?) (One of
my R bmp generation files is attached.)



Tony Vargas
Cisco Systems
Engineering Computing Services
(408) 525-4113
my.yugo.Mar.2003.unused.memory <- 
sep="=", header=TRUE)
bitmap("/auto/solperf/tgu/Images/Mar.2003/yugo.Mar.2003.freemem.lines.jpg", height = 
700, width = 700, type = "png256", res = 50)
plot(freemem, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Free Memory Pages Available", main = "yugo's Free 
Memory Pages Available Mar.2003", type="l", col="red", xaxt = "n")
temp <- seq(1, length(Time), by = 144)
axis(1, at = temp, labels = as.character(Time[temp]), las = 3)
bitmap("/auto/solperf/tgu/Thumbs/Mar.2003/yugo.Mar.2003.freemem.lines.png", height = 
350, width = 350, type = "png256", res = 50)
plot(freemem, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Free Memory Pages Available", main = "yugo's Free 
Memory Pages Available Mar.2003", type="l", col="red", xaxt = "n")
temp <- seq(1, length(Time), by = 288)
axis(1, at = temp, labels = as.character(Time[temp]), las = 3)
bitmap("/auto/solperf/tgu/Images/Mar.2003/yugo.Mar.2003.freeswap.lines.jpg", height = 
700, width = 700, type = "png256", res = 50)
plot(freeswap, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Average # of blocks availalbe for swapping", 
main = "yugo's Average # of blocks availalbe for swapping Mar.2003", type="l", 
col="red", xaxt = "n")
temp <- seq(1, length(Time), by = 144)
axis(1, at = temp, labels = as.character(Time[temp]), las = 3)
bitmap("/auto/solperf/tgu/Thumbs/Mar.2003/yugo.Mar.2003.freeswap.lines.png", height = 
350, width = 350, type = "png256", res = 50)
plot(freeswap, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Average # of blocks availalbe for swapping", 
main = "yugo's Average # of blocks availalbe for swapping Mar.2003", type="l", 
col="red", xaxt = "n")
temp <- seq(1, length(Time), by = 288)
axis(1, at = temp, labels = as.character(Time[temp]), las = 3)
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