Hello to all-
        1.      When I run a regression which implements the augmented Dickey-Fuller
test, I am confused about the names given to the regressors in the output.
I understand what "xGE" stands for in a standard "lm" test involving an
independent variable GE for instance, but if I lags and or differences are
included in the model, what do the following "output" stand for:
                "xD.lag(diff(x), -i)GE"
                "xD.D.lag(diff(x), -i)GE"
        Thanks for the clarifications -- I don't want to "misspeculate" on the
actual interpretations, here...

        2.      When an Engle-Granger test is run on multiple independent variables,
only one cointegration vector is returned.  Can one tell "which vector" --
or what two variables' relationship  -- is being identified for the R
output.  Likewise, if I run a Johansen test, does R "tell me" specifically
which pairs of variables are cointegrated or do I just get the rank?

        Thanks to all for your time and consideration.

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