On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 12:10, Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote:
> Jonathan Baron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On 06/10/03 18:30, Morgan Hough wrote:
> > >Sorry for the probable repeat post but I can only search the list up to
> > >2002 (is there a better way?). 
> > 
> > Yes, see my search page below.
> > 
> > >I am using the RH9 RPM from CRAN but
> > >packages like AnalyzeFMRI say that tcltk is not found. Do I need to do
> > >more to get Tk GUIs working on RH9 or does the RPM not have tcltk support
> > >built in (should I compile from source). Thanks in advance.
> > 
> > There was in fact some discussion of this last month.  I am not
> > sure of the answer.  But I installed 1.7.0 from the RPM for RH 9,
> > and I got the same error message when trying to get Rcmdr to
> > work.  I did have tcl and tk installed.  Unfortunately, I did not
> > do a properly controlled experiment.  I first installed tcllib,
> > which was not installed originally.  (That didn't help, by
> > itself.)  Then I re-installed R _from source_ and then everything
> > worked.  But I did have the basic vanilla installation of RH 9,
> > and I did have this problem.  So you aren't the only one.  
> > 
> > I still don't know whether tcllib is necessary, and whether the
> > RPM itself installs different things depending on what is on the
> > system.  (I would assume not, but I'm not sure.)
> It shouldn't, but the RPM may be different depending on what was
> present on the system upon which it was built. Martyn may have been
> building on a system where tcl/tk wasn't installed, or -- there's a
> bug report on bugzilla.redhat.com on this -- the build was adversely
> affected by incorrectness of the tclConfig.sh and tkConfig.sh scripts.
> A fairly easy experiment would be to rebuild from the source RPM on
> your own system. Since this builds an RPM, it will retain the
> upgradability etc. of the "official" RPM. Could you try and tell us
> whether the problem remains? (Don't forget that you need a bunch of
> "-devel" packages installed.)

I have rebuilt the RPM of R 1.7.0 for Red Hat 9 with tcltk support.
(R-1.7.0-2.i386.rpm). It should be available on CRAN in a day or two.  I
apologise for this oversight.


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