On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 20:13:02 +0700
Philippe Glaziou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have the following problem (library Hmisc loaded, 
> iris data loaded, R Version 1.7.0  (2003-04-16), packages 
> updated, running on a linux Debian i386):
> > summary(Species~Sepal.Length,method="reverse")->a
> > a
> Descriptive Statistics by Species
> +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
> |            |setosa           |versicolor       |virginica
> |
> |            |(N=50)           |(N=50)           |(N=50)
> |
> +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
> |Sepal.Length|4.800/5.000/5.200|5.600/5.900/6.300|6.225/6.500/6.900|
> +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
> > latex(a)->la
> works ok, but the a.tex generated file is wrong: a '&' is
> missing on the line ending with '%%%% wrong', resulting in the
> (N=50) of the second row being put on the first column, like:
> +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
> |            |setosa           |versicolor       |virginica
> |
> |(N=50)      |(N=50)           |(N=50)           |
> |
> +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
> |Sepal.Length|4.800/5.000/5.200|5.600/5.900/6.300|6.225/6.500/6.900|
> +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
> > system("cat a.tex")
> % latex.default(cstats, title = title, caption = caption,
> rowlabel = rowlabel,      col.just = col.just,
> numeric.dollar = FALSE, insert.bottom = legend,      rowname
> = lab, dcolumn = dcolumn, extracolheads = extracolheads,
> extracolsize = Nsize, ...) 
> %
> \begin{table}[!tbp]
>  \begin{center}
>  \caption{Descriptive Statistics by Species\label{a}} 
>  \begin{tabular}{lccc}\hline\hline
> \multicolumn{1}{l}{}&
> \multicolumn{1}{c}{setosa}&
> \multicolumn{1}{c}{versicolor}&
> \multicolumn{1}{c}{virginica}
> \\   \multicolumn{1}{l}{{\scriptsize           %%%% wrong
> $N=50$}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{{\scriptsize
> $N=50$}}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{{\scriptsize $N=50$}}\\ \hline
> Sepal.Length&{\scriptsize 4.800~}{5.000 }{\scriptsize 5.200}
> &{\scriptsize 5.600~}{5.900 }{\scriptsize 6.300}
> &{\scriptsize 6.225~}{6.500 }{\scriptsize 6.900} \\
> [...]
> Any idea about what I might be doing wrong here? I can
> reproduce that problem with summary(method="reverse") on
> other datasets, and various combinations of options passed
> to the latex command. 
> Thanks
> -- 
> Philippe

I tried this on the latest version of Hmisc (1.6-0):

y <- factor(sample(c('a','b','c'),100,T))
x <- runif(100)
a <- summary(y ~ x, method='reverse')

and everything was fine.   The following also worked:

a <- summary(Species~Sepal.Length, method='reverse',data=iris)

See if a bug fix in Hmisc has fixed your problem since the last time you updated the 

Frank E Harrell Jr              Prof. of Biostatistics & Statistics
Div. of Biostatistics & Epidem. Dept. of Health Evaluation Sciences
U. Virginia School of Medicine  http://hesweb1.med.virginia.edu/biostat

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