Have you tried:


I don't think "outer" quite knows what to do with "x, y, n)". However, "x=x1, y=y1, n=n1") clearly tells outer to pass the object x1 to the argument x of function bpllkd, etc.

hope this helps.  spencer graves
p.s.  I was just bitten by that snake last week.

Ravi Varadhan wrote:

I am using R 1.7.0 on Windows. I am having trouble getting "outer" to work on one of my functions. Here is a simple example illustrating my problem:

b1 <- c(1.2,2.3)
b2 <- c(0.5,0.6)
x <- c(3e+01, 1e+02, 3e+02, 5e+02, 1e+03, 1e+04, 1e+05, 1e+06)
y <- c(2,4,2,5,2,3,1,1)
n <- c(5,8,3,6,2,3,1,1)


[,1] [,2] [1,] 17.78031 17.78031 [2,] 17.78031 17.78031

These values should all be different. What is the problem here?
The function "bpllkd" is given below:

thanks for any help,


function(t1,t2,x,y,n){ p <- 1 - (1+x/10^t1)^(-t2) keep <- !((p==0 & y==0) | (p==1 & n==y)) llk <- sum(y[keep]*log(p[keep])+(n-y)[keep]* log(1-p[keep])) return(-llk) }

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