I'm guessing you meant "fracpoly" in Stata, which is fractional polynomial
smoothing.  If that's the case, check out


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 4:53 AM
> Subject: [R] please help on frag polynoms
> hi there,
> can anyone help me on the topic of frag polynoms?
> i just heard of a friend of mine, that i could build in a 
> functioon called fragpoly (he was talking of such a function 
> in the 'stata' language) in order to improve my process of 
> finding an optimal linear model.
> instead of trying a vast amount of transformed inputdata to 
> find the best fit and then step backwards down to e.g. rank 5 
> in order to get a smooth curve, i could start right from the 
> beginning with only very few but therefore very flexible 
> funktions (litle similar to box-plot) which adopt themselve 
> automaticaly to an optimal fitt and r-squered.
> can anyone tell me if such a flexible adoptive function also 
> exists in r+? (i could not find anything on the r+ pages with 
> these search words).
> waiting desperately for help
> joerg
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