On 15-Jul-03 Achim Zeileis wrote:
>> >[...]
>> > mu1<-mu[iX1,drop=FALSE]; mu2<-mu[iX2,drop=FALSE];
>> > mu1
>> [1] 1
>> > mu2
>> [1] 2 3
>> So now I still don't get my 1xk matrices, even though mu is a
>> matrix and I've used "drop=FALSE". Why?
> Because you are subsetting mu like a vector not like a matrix. The 
> following produces the desired output:
> R> mu1<-mu[,iX1,drop=FALSE]; mu2<-mu[,iX2,drop=FALSE];

Thanks!! (Must have some coffee).

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Date: 15-Jul-03                                       Time: 12:01:02
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