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john lewis wrote:
R- Users:

Can someone indicate what I am during wrong? This is a script essentially from Venerable & Ripley's text on interpolating a surface with loess function but I can not get it to run.

John Lewis
McGill University

par(mfcol=c(2,2), pty="s")
topo.loess <- loess(z ~ x * y, topo, degree=2, span = 0.25, normalize=F)
topo.mar <- list(x = seq(0, 6.5, 0.1), y=seq(0, 6.5, 0.1))
topo.lo <- predict(topo.loess, expand.grid(topo.mar), se=T)
lo.1 <-
lo.2 <- as.matrix(lo.1$fit)

I just listed "lo.2": It was a 4356 x 1 matrix; in S-Plus 6.1, it was a NULL matrix with 0 rows and 1 column. I recently attempted to upgrade to R 1.7.1 and now I can't get graphics from R. However, the following worked for me in S-Plus 6.1:

lo.2 <- matrix(topo.lo$fit, nrow=66)

With this, I got a plot that looked sensible (though I didn't compare it with MASS).

hope this helps. spencer graves

lo.3 <- as.matrix(lo.1$

contour(topo.mar$x,topo.mar$y,lo.2, levels = seq(700,1000,25),

xlab="fit", ylab="")


contour(topo.mar$x,topo.mar$y,lo.3, levels = seq(5, 25, 5),

xlab="standard error", ylab="")

title("Loess degree = 2")


This is the error I keep getting.

"Error in contour.default(topo.mar$x, topo.mar$y, lo.2, levels = seq(700, : no proper `z' matrix specified"

I received this same message when I ran the script first without changing topo.lo
from a list to data.frame etc. as seen below.

contour(topo.mar$x,topo.mar$y,topo.lo$fit, levels = seq(700,1000,25),

xlab="fit", ylab="")

I checked the length of each variable and they are correct. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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