On 23 Jul 2003 09:12:07 -0500
Douglas Bates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> High-level control of axes in xyplot is implemented by the scales
> argument to xyplot.  You can include components 'at' and 'labels' in
> a list given as the scales argument.  See ?xyplot.
> Wladimir Eremeev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > jhcc> check out 'sprintf' for formating in a specific way.
> > 
> > This will not solve the problem.
> > I will have to specify the argument like labels=(...).
> > I would like to avoid it.
> > 
> > I wonder if there a key or option to make automatically appearing
> > labels be formatted in the mentioned way.
> > I haven't found it in the documentation.
> > 
> > =====================================================
> > jhcc>   I draw graphics with xyplot() function.
> > jhcc>   Labels on the y axis are appearing as follows: "1.5, 1, 0.5,
> > 0"
> > 
> > jhcc>   I'd like to have them to be "1.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0", i.e. with
> > fixed jhcc>   number of digits after the dot (one in this case).
> > 
> > jhcc>   Is there any way to do this without implicit specifying
> > labels?
> I don't think so.
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