(Sorry - my poor attempts at formatting made that last email illegible!
Here's a version that makes more sense ...)

Mango Solutions are pleased to announce the following public courses in
the UK.

Course  Advanced S-PLUS Programming 
Date            29th - 31st October
Location        Oxford
URL             www.mango-solutions.com/pubadvanceds.htm

Course  R Programming 
Date            11th - 13th November
Location        London
URL             www.mango-solutions.com/pubrprogramming.htm

Course  R for S-PLUS Users
Date            14th November
Location        London
URL             www.mango-solutions.com/pubstor.htm

For more information, visit the Mango Solutions home page at

Many thanks,

Mango Solutions
Independent providers of S-PLUS and R services

Tel: (01628) 418134
Mob: (07967) 808091

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