You sent that to R-help, not `Rolf'.  He was using Solaris 9, and
that sort of error message is normally a symptom of using a version of gcc 
compiled for a different version of Solaris.  gcc `fixes' the system 
header files, of the version it is compiled under.

So I suggest checking the compiler/OS match.

On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, Scott S. wrote:

> Hi Rolf,
> Saw your post back in March about a particular error message you were 
> getting.  To refresh your memory here is the link:
> I'm getting the same error message when trying to compile CUPS (Common 
> Unix Printing System).  Have been messing with this for days now and 
> can't seem to understand what is going on here.  Have you resolved this 
> for your particular case?  If so would you please be so kind as to shed 
> some light on this for me.  Thanks in advance
> Scott Slawin

Brian D. Ripley,                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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