Your observation that qqnorm "does not appear to be very general" is rebutted by Venables and Ripley (2002) Modern Applied Statistics with S, 4th ed. (Springer, p.108): "One of the best ways to compare the distribution of a sample x with a distribution is to use a Q-Q plot. ... This idea can be applied quite generally. For example, to test a sample against a t9 distribution, we might use

plot( qt(ppoints(x), 9), sort(x) )

Before I consider the "best-fitting probability distribution", I want to know something about the nature of the application and what the numbers claim to represent: If they are discrete counts, I will not even consider a normal distribution except as an approximation. If they are money or physical measurements like power or grams in applications where they should never be negative, then I may want to take logarithms first before I do anything else. If lifetime data, I will consider lognormal and Weibull, and prepare a cumulative hazard plot before doing much else. If a normal probability plot shows skewness, I will look for another distribution or a transformation that makes sense with the application. If it shows discontinuities, I will consider mixtures. By the time you start considering mixtures, the number of alternative distributional models becomes infinite.

hope this helps. spencer graves

Paul Meagher wrote:
My apologies for the last email that only contained the message and not my
reply.  Here is what I meant to send.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard A. O'Keefe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 2:56 AM
Subject: Re: [R] Overlaying graphs

I do not know how to overlay the curve graphic on top of hist graphic.

Do you know about the "add=TRUE" option for plot()?

I learned about it from one of the list members and it worked ok for me.
This is the recipe I finally came up with:

fat  <- read.table("fat.dat", header=TRUE)
mu   <- mean(fat$height)
sdev <- sd(fat$height)
par (fin=c(4,4))
hist(fat$height, br=20, freq=FALSE, col="lightblue",
     border="black", xlab="Male Height in Inches",
     main = paste("Histogram of" , "Male Height"))
curve(dnorm(x, mu, sdev), add=TRUE, from=64, to=78, col="red", lwd=5)

I am hoping to show visually that the normal curve overlays the obtained
probability distribution when plotted on the same graph.  Unfortunately, I
an not sure how to overlay them. Can anyone point me in the right


or show me the code.

This is a bad way to do it anyway.  What you want is a qqnorm plot.
See ?qqnorm.

Yes qqnorm looks like a better tool for this particular job.  It does not
appear to be very general in the sense that you could visually inspect
whether poissson distributed data conforms to a theoretical poisson

I guess this leads to two more questions:

1. Is the Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit test the recommended analytic
test for determining whether a normal distribution conforms to a theoretical
normal distribution.

2. Does R have a suite of "best-fit" tools for finding the best
fitting-probability distribution for any observed probability distribution?

Paul Meagher

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