Wang, Rong wrote:

Hi there,
   I am a bioinformatician working in DFCI. I am new to R. Yesterday I installed
the R-1.7.1 to my Linux (since I am not able to find R-1.8 on the webpage). But
I have some package installation problems ...

R-1.8.0 is still in development (alpha releases available).

1. install.packages2() function isn't available. If I type at R prompt:


Error: couldn't find function "install.packages2" *****************************************************

2. If I try this:


It's a Bioconductor package:

install.packages("Biobase", CRAN = getOption("BIOC"))

trying URL `'
Content type `text/plain' length 127126 bytes
opened URL
.......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... .......... ....
downloaded 124Kb

Warning message: No package "Biobase" on CRAN. in: download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd,
available = available, ****************************************************************
I did go to to check the
packages available there, there are quite few ... Many packages, such as
Biobase, annotate and genefilter, are not included.

Could you please give me some clue? I do appreciate!


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