Wei Geng wrote:

Hi Jason, Spencer,

Thanks for the prompt response. The strange thing about MASS is that it's
not in "Package Sources" as most of other R packages are. It seems to come
with the binary R installation. I checked out the Rxx/library/MASS on my
laptop, there are source code (script) for Venables & Ripley's book but no
source code for lda().

Wei, MASS is actually distributed in a bundle called VR, which is on CRAN. VR as in Venables and Ripley, the authors of MASS (the book). The VR bundle contains MASS, nnet, spatial and class packages.

The reason MASS comes with your binary installation is that the VR bundle has Recommended status - and should therefore be available in all binary distributions.


Gavin Simpson                     [T] +44 (0)20 7679 5522
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