Laura Quinn wrote:

I am dealing with a huge matrix in R (20 columns, 54000 rows) and have
lots of missing values within the dataset which are currently displayed as
the value "-999.00" I am trying to create a new matrix (or change the
existing one) to display these values as "NA" so that I can then perform
the necessary analysis on the columns within the matrix.

The matrix name is temp and the column names are t1 to t20 inclusive.

I have tried the following command:

temp$t1[temp$t1 == -999.00] <- NA

and it returns a segmentation fault, can someone tell me what I am doing

The crash for this inappropriate usage has already been fixed for R-1.7.1, so you are using an outdated version, I guess.

1. If temp is a matrix, you have to use matrix indexing, not data.frame or list indexing, see the manuals.

Now, we have got the (still wrong) line
  temp[temp[ ,"t1"] == -999.00, "t1"] <- NA

2. Use " <- TRUE" instead of "x <- NA":[temp[ ,"t1"] == -999.00, "t1"]) <- TRUE

Or change all values "-999" to "NA" in the whole matrix by[temp == -999.00]) <- TRUE

Uwe Ligges


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