If it's really true that you will be the only user of R, then it might be easier to build it in some place where you do have the necessary permissions. You would then follow the suggestion in the provided INSTALL file (from R 1.7.1):

---- quote ----

You do not need to install R to run it: you can run R by the script
`bin/R' which you can link or copy to any convenient place in your path.
---- end quote ----

Considering that R itself is updated fairly often, your sysadmin may appreciate if you are able to take care of maintaining R yourself.

If you are not the only user, your sysadmin might be willing to make the necessary copy or link in some directory in the standard user's path, leaving the installation in some place you own. Then you can do all the updates and package installations, and the sysadmin only needs to update the links/copies when R itself is updated. That's how we do it here, and it works very well.


At 10:27 AM +0200 10/7/03, Christian Hennig wrote:

I want R to be installed on a UNIX network (Solaris). I am not the system
administrator and so I cannot do it myself.
The system administrator wants to know which packages I want, and it may be
a lot.
Is there an easy way to download and install all packages at once?
Is it a good idea? (There is a good chance that I do not need the some
few packages that do not install well during such a procedure, and so I would
like to tell the sysadmin to do it even if it will not be 100% successful).

Unfortunately it may be even more compicated, because it may be (I was not
able to find it out absolutely surely) that our net
architecture does not allow to do it via
install.packages from within R. So what is the easiest way to
do it from outside R?

If it is not a good idea to install all packages
at once, what is the easiest way to
download and install a list of, say, 30 packages? R CMD INSTALL accepts a
list as input; but how to download a list of 30 packages at once?

(The sysadmin would really appreciate if we could do it in a way that
later additions of packages are reduced to a minimum.)


*********************************************************************** Christian Hennig Fachbereich Mathematik-SPST/ZMS, Universitaet Hamburg [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/home/hennig/ ####################################################################### ich empfehle www.boag-online.de

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