On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Jonathan Baron wrote:

> On 10/07/03 09:05, Peter Adler wrote:
> >I'm having trouble finding an R equivalent to the S-Plus "multicomp" 
> >function, which does post-hoc comparisons of treatments means in 
> >ANOVAs.  Am I missing something obvious?
> The package called multcomp?  I don't know if it is the same.

It is not, but can often be used in a different way to get similar
results.  There is also function TukeyHSD() in base R (which is often the 
simplest competitive method).

THe MASS scripts show some of the ways to use these in R to emulate
S-PLUS's multicomp.

Brian D. Ripley,                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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