Barnet Wagman wrote:

Do you know where I find a patched version, or where I find the patch an instructions on how to install it? (I didn't see anything about this on CRAN.) I'm running R-base-1.8.0-1.i386.rpm (the most recent binary available for SuSE) and it appears to have the 'valueClass' problem.



David James wrote:

However, there is a problem in the released version of R 1.8.0 that affects
the DBI and other packages (has something to do with methods
that use the "valueClass" argument in the setGeneric/setMethod functions).
In this case one needs to use the R-patched version.

Hope this helps,


Barnet Wagman wrote:

Since there doesn't appear to be an RMySQL rpm for SuSE 8.*, does anyone know if the 7.3 version will work with the SuSE 8.2 rpms of R and DBI?

The package installs without complaint, but when I try to run

con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("MySQL"),dbname="test")

I get the error

Error in dbConnect(dbDriver("MySQL")) : couldn't find function ".valueClassTest"

(This is my first attempt to access a an rdms from R, so I could be doing something else wrong.)

Any ideas as what might be generating this error, or as to combinations of rpms that will work under SuSE 8.2 would be appreciated. (I took a stab at compiling RMySQL from src, but I don't have MySQL src installed and I rather not get involved in this if I can avoid it.)


Barnet Wagman

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There was a discussion about it just after R-1.8.0 was released. Patched version may be found at CRAN (as usual). For example*. You can either compile it from scratch or fix your available installation just adding a line exports(.valueClassTest) to the end of NAMESPACE file in the methods library (this works for me).

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