Michele Grassi wrote:

1)I have two variables: call a<-c(e.g.0,3,6,7...)
I want to create a third vector z wich contain the pairs values z<-c(0,6,3,8,6,3,7,4....and so on for each pairs (a,b)).
There is a specific function?
How can i write my own function?

2)When i try to write a function and then i save it like "function.R" file, i try to retrieve it with source comand. As result i obtain an error message "error in parse: sintax error on line...". I apply deparse() and i see an incorrect parsing: how avoid unwanted parsing?

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1) a simple solution to the problem:
    define (for example):
    gen.pairs <- function(x,y){
 >   x<-1:10
 >   y<-11:20
 >  gen.pairs(x,y)
[1]  1 11  2 12  3 13  4 14  5 15  6 16  7 17  8 18  9 19 10 20

2) a) you can write the definition to a file and then use source this file.
If the file name is myfun.R > source("myfun.R")
will work. But only if there are no errors in the definition
b) you can type in the code of the definition after the R prompt ">"
c) you can type in :
> gen.pairs <- function(x,y) { z }
and complete the definition by using edit:
> edit(gen.pairs)
However, syntax errors are not allowed!


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