On 17 Nov 2003 at 17:14, Xavier Fernández i Marín wrote:

On my windows XP machine I get

> help.search("locale")
> ?locales
help() for `locales' is shown in browser
> Sys.getlocale()
[1] "LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United 
> #Sys.setlocale()
> c("España", "Nicaragüense")
[1] "España"       "Nicaragüense"

You need to find out which locales you can set in Mandrake. The 
locale shown above
is the default when I start up my R.

Kjetil Halvorsen

> Hi,
> How can I include accents and signs like 'ñ' 'à' in the plots
> generated by R?
> I try, but R automatically transforms the name 
> ex:
> > countries <- c("México", "España")
> > countries
> [1] "M\216éxico" "Espa\216ña"
> >
> I've seen in some Spanish texts about R how is it normal to include
> labels of the plots and other names with accents, but I can't.
> I'm using R 1.8.0 in a Mandrake 9.0
> Thanks,
> Xavier
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