Follow the example in tseries, we can simulated a GARCH(0,2),  
n <- 1100
a <- c(0.1, 0.5, 0.2)  # ARCH(2) coefficients
e <- rnorm(n)  
x <- double(n)
x[1:2] <- rnorm(2, sd = sqrt(a[1]/(1.0-a[2]-a[3]))) 
for(i in 3:n)  # Generate ARCH(2) process
  x[i] <- e[i]*sqrt(a[1]+a[2]*x[i-1]^2+a[3]*x[i-2]^2)
x <- ts(x[101:1100])
and x is a GARCH(0,2).
But, I would like to know how to simulated a GARCH(1,2) ?

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