The results of your email command are provided below. Attached is your
original message.

- Unprocessed:
    original message.
    - Results:
        Ignoring non-text/plain MIME parts
    - Unprocessed:
        I registered to your mailing list, but i  don't get any mail from you.
        I checked with my Internet Provider, and the problem, they tell me,
        is not from your end (  !  ) .
        I wonder...
        When i communicate with your system (with Yahoo), it tells me that
        i am registered (under Sympatico), and that it sent me 'information' =
        (password, etc...)
        But i don't get anything (at the Sympatico address).
        Don't spend much time into this; i would just like to read
        the list with favorite e-mail program .
        Joseph J. Gazaille
    - Done.
    my new e-mail address is    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Done.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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