Not sure but perhaps this is related to bug PR#3646 reported in:

Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 11:20:15 -0600 
Subject: [R] bug in as.POSIXct ? 

I think that there is a bug in the as.POSIXct function on Windows.

Here is what I get on Win2000, Pentium III machine in R 1.8.1.

> dd1 <- ISOdatetime(2003, 10, 26, 0, 59, 59)
> dd2 <- ISOdatetime(2003, 10, 26, 1, 0, 0)
> dd2 - dd1
Time difference of 1.000278 hours

Now, the 26th of October was the day that change to the standard time
occurred, so I suspect that this has something to do with that. In fact

> dd1
[1] "2003-10-26 00:59:59 Central Daylight Time"
> dd2
[1] "2003-10-26 01:00:00 Central Standard Time"

so it looks like the switch from CDT to CST happens at 1:00 (instead of
2:00 ?).

Since the only thing the difftime function does is unclass the as.POSIXct
values of its two arguments, the error seems to be in the as.POSIXct code.
I looked at the C code of the as.POSIXct function but I do not know enough
about R code and C handling of the time structures to find an error there.
Perhaps, the error is actually in the C library handling of time structures
on Windows machines.

All this seems to work fine in version 1.8.1 patched 11-24 on a Linux
machine, i.e. the above difference is 1second. However, the swicth between
CDT and CSD also accurs at 1:00.


Andy Jaworski
Process Laboratory
3M Corporate Research Laboratory
Tel: (651) 733-6092
Fax: (651) 736-3122

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