On Tue, 2003-12-09 at 08:07, Peter Dalgaard wrote:
> Marc Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Actually, I think you can leave the :unscaled on. Seems to work for me.

Could be. That is, I believe, the default on a new install. It was on
FC1 for me (I have not had font problems so far) and I recall the same
default on RH 8.0 and RH 9. Though I do have recollections of font
problems on 8.0, solved by adding the two additional lines without the
':unscaled', which is why this issue sticks in my mind. 

Then again, it may just be old age and the snow this morning...

It may be as simple as being sure that both the 75 dpi and 100 dpi fonts
are loaded as the SUSE query earlier this year seemed to indicate that
the 100 dpi fonts were not installed initially.

> > I believe that a restart of X may be required to make the change, but a
> > restart of the X font server may suffice using:
> > 
> > /sbin/service xfs restart
> Restarting xfs is certainly necessary (and, I believe, not implied by
> restarting X) but beware that it may freeze currently running X
> applications (that used to be the case anyway), so don't do it
> with important stuff running on your desktop. 

Good point  :-)


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