
Old story again. I put it away for a while because there are always other thinks to do.
But I cant deny that I still like to  like to comment assignment functions.

Under linux I get.

Cannot handle Rd file names containing '<'.
These are not legal file names on all R platforms.
Please rename the following files and try again:

Ok. It does not work.

So I renamed the file "[<-.massvectorlist.Rd" in test.Rd  And replaced the name and 
first alias field

\title{ Replace Parts of Massvectorlist}

Now a "test" entry appears in the 00Index.html but ...Of course I can give a more 
appropriate name but...
But unfortunately all \link to [<-. in the \seealso section does not work than either.
Why no [<-.massvectorlist entry appears in the 00Index.html file?
Even if i put [<-.massvector as second alias?

Is there a way to get assignments work as other functions? 
Or is the best solution to give a name like Assign.massvector to the Rd file the name 
and the first \alias?


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