Gabor Grothendieck wrote:

> My personal view on this is that there is need for a friendly
> list with a more "customer service" attitude than r-help.

God save us from a ``"customer service" attitude'' --- bland,
fatuous, feel-good useless twaddle!  If you want a ``custome
service'' attitude go and use Microsoft's crap!  The subscribers to
this list are not customers, they are participants in a collective
endeavour.  Those who come in with an ``I'm a customer; service me''
(;-)) attitude should look elsewhere.  If they are such wimps that
they collapse from being told a few brusque home truths, they
shouldn't be doing statistical computing in the first place.  When a
Certain Guru rips strips off people (God knows he's done it to me
often enough) on this list, there's a damned good reason for it.


                                                Rolf Turner
                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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