Thomas, Thanks for your response.  Its is quite nifty.  

Pursuing your solutions,
I think the objective should be to reproduce the output from defined as below (note that I posted a proposal
to change to r-devel before I received your reply): <- function( df ) { 
          ll <- NULL
          for( i in 1:nrow(df) ) ll <- append( ll, list(df[i,]) )

Using the first 3 rows from the iris data set as our data frame,
run the following which shows that your "by" solution works provided
we nullify out the attributes afterwards.  The solution
does not appear to work, as required, since it turns the data 
frame into a matrix.

df <- iris[1:3,]

# Consider:

id <- function(x)x

# solution
zt <- t(df)

# by solution is good but it adds some junk attributes 
zby <- by( df, row.names(df), id )
identical(zt,zby) # FALSE

# nullifying these attributes seems to do it
zby2 <- zby
attributes(zby2) <- NULL
identical(zt,zby2) # TRUE

# doesn't work right since it appears to turn the result into a matrix
str("mapply", list(id,df) ) ) # note matrix output

Here is the result of pasting the above into R 1.8.1 on Windows 2000:

> data(iris)
> df <- iris[1:3,]
> # Consider:
> id <- function(x)x
> # solution
> zt <- t(df)
> # by solution is good but it adds some junk attributes 
> zby <- by( df, row.names(df), id )
> identical(zt,zby)
> # nullifying these attributes seems to do it
> zby2 <- zby
> attributes(zby2) <- NULL
> identical(zt,zby2)
[1] TRUE
> # doesn't work right since it appears to turn the result into a matrix
> str("mapply", list(id,df) ) )
 num [1:3, 1:5] 5.1 4.9 4.7 3.5 3 3.2 1.4 1.4 1.3 0.2 ...
 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  ..$ : NULL
  ..$ : NULL

Based on your solution I think the proposal should be changed
to: <- function(df) {
  z <- by( df, row.names(df), function(x)x )
  attributes(z) <- NULL


Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 10:03:55 -0800 (PST) 
From: Thomas Lumley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Gabor Grothendieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Re: [R] for loop over dataframe without indices 

On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> What I now realize is that the thing that is oddly
> missing in R is that you can't do an apply over
> the rows of a dataframe (at least not without having
> it coerced to an array and the elements coerced to
> possibly different types). The documentation does
> point this out. Its not a bug but its an omission
> that seems deserving of being addressed.

Since mapply() applies a function to each 'row' of a list of vectors, ou
can achieve this effect with"mapply", list(FUN,data.frame))
and also as a degenerate case of by():
     by(data.frame, row.names(data.frame), FUN)

These should probably be documented under apply()


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