On Friday 19 December 2003 14:23, Waichler, Scott R wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how to obtain a custom scale for
> the colorkey in each levelplot of a lattice?  I am using
> lattice and levelplot to plot z = f(x, y) for multiple z
> variables.  x and y values are the same across plots, but
> units for z are different and therefore I need to create
> a custom scale for each plot's key.  It follows that I need
> to place each plot's key inside that plot's box.  Should I
> use filled.contour() and gridBase instead?

I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you using different calls to 
levelplot() for the different z variables ? What's wrong with the default 
colorkey for each such plot ? 

In any case, the arguments controlling colorkey are described in the help page 
for levelplot. Another way to control the scales (to be same across different 
calls to levelplot, say) is via the 'at' argument to levelplot (this can be 
used in a manner similar to what might have been expected from a 'zlim' 
argument, had one been available).

Hope that helps,


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