
On the cran "package source" page, to each package there are the "reference manual" in 
pdf format with a nice title page.

I observed that during the R CMD check pkg a pkg-manual.div are generated in the 
pgk.Rcheck directory.
But the nice title page are missing. During the package build and install no div files 
are produced.

Which opitions I have to pass during the build or installation process to get such a 
nice manual dvi file with title page and "R topics documented" (table of contents) 


Dipl. bio-chem. Eryk Witold Wolski    @    MPI-MG Dep. Vertebrate Genomics
Ihnestrasse 73 14195 Berlin          'v'
tel: 0049-30-84131285               /   \
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        ---W-W----    http://www.molgen.mpg.de/~wolski

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