While I don't know anything about Box's M test, I googled around and found a
Matlab M-file that computes it.  Below is my straight-forward translation of
the code, without knowing Matlab or the formula (and done in a few minutes).
I hope this demonstrates one of Prof. Ripley's point: If you really want to
shoot yourself in the foot, you can probably program R to do that for you.

[BTW: I left the original comments largely intact.  The output I get from R
for the example is the same as what is shown in the comments.]

[BTW #2: I'd imagine the original Matlab code probably could be improved a


BoxMTest <- function(X, cl, alpha=0.05) {
  ## Multivariate Statistical Testing for the Homogeneity of Covariance
  ## Matrices by the Box's M. 
  ## Syntax: function [MBox] = BoxMTest(X,alpha) 
  ## Inputs:
  ##     X - data matrix (Size of matrix must be n-by-(1+p); sample=column
  ##         variables=column 2:p). 
  ##     alpha - significance level (default = 0.05). 
  ## Output:
  ##     MBox - the Box's M statistic.
  ##     Chi-sqr. or F - the approximation statistic test.
  ##     df's - degrees' of freedom of the approximation statistic test.
  ##     P - observed significance level.
  ## If the groups sample-size is at least 20 (sufficiently large),
  ## Box's M test takes a Chi-square approximation; otherwise it takes
  ## an F approximation.
  ## Example: For a two groups (g = 2) with three independent variables
  ##    (p = 3), we are interested in testing the homogeneity of covariances
  ##    matrices with a significance level = 0.05. The two groups have the
  ##    same sample-size n1 = n2 = 5.
  ##                                       Group
  ##                      ---------------------------------------      
  ##                            1                        2
  ##                      ---------------------------------------
  ##                       x1   x2   x3             x1   x2   x3
  ##                      ---------------------------------------
  ##                       23   45   15             277  230   63
  ##                       40   85   18             153   80   29
  ##                      215  307   60             306  440  105
  ##                      110  110   50             252  350  175
  ##                       65  105   24             143  205   42
  ##                      ---------------------------------------
  ##             Total data matrix must be:
  ##          X=[1 23 45 15;1 40 85 18;1 215 307 60;1 110 110 50;1 65 105
  ##          2 277 230 63;2 153 80 29;2 306 440 105;2 252 350 175;2 143 205
  ##             Calling on Matlab the function: 
  ##                MBoxtest(X,0.05)
  ##             Answer is:
  ##  ------------------------------------------------------------
  ##       MBox         F           df1          df2          P
  ##  ------------------------------------------------------------
  ##     27.1622     2.6293          6           463       0.0162
  ##  ------------------------------------------------------------
  ##  Covariance matrices are significantly different.
  ##  Created by A. Trujillo-Ortiz and R. Hernandez-Walls
  ##             Facultad de Ciencias Marinas
  ##             Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
  ##             Apdo. Postal 453
  ##             Ensenada, Baja California
  ##             Mexico.
  ##             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ##  And the special collaboration of the post-graduate students of the
  ##  Multivariate Statistics Course: Karel Castro-Morales,
  ##  Alejandro Espinoza-Tenorio, Andrea Guia-Ramirez, Raquel Muniz-Salazar,
  ##  Jose Luis Sanchez-Osorio and Roberto Carmona-Pina.
  ##  November 2002.
  ##  To cite this file, this would be an appropriate format:
  ##  Trujillo-Ortiz, A., R. Hernandez-Walls, K. Castro-Morales,
  ##  A. Espinoza-Tenorio, A. Guia-Ramirez and R. Carmona-Pina. (2002).
  ##  MBoxtest: Multivariate Statistical Testing for the Homogeneity of 
  ##  Covariance Matrices by the Box's M. A MATLAB file. [WWW document]. 
  ##  URL
  ##  References:
  ##  Stevens, J. (1992), Applied Multivariate Statistics for Social
  ##  2nd. ed., New-Jersey:Lawrance Erlbaum Associates Publishers. pp.
  if (alpha <= 0 || alpha >= 1)
    stop('significance level must be between 0 and 1')

  g = nlevels(cl)  ## Number of groups.
  n = table(cl)    ## Vector of groups-size.

  N = nrow(X)
  p = ncol(X)

  bandera = 2
  if (any(n >= 20)) bandera = 1

  ## Partition of the group covariance matrices.
  covList <- tapply(X, rep(cl, ncol(X)), function(x, nc) cov(matrix(x,

  deno = sum(n) - g
  suma = array(0, dim=dim(covList[[1]]))

  for (k in 1:g) 
    suma = suma + (n[k] - 1) * covList[[k]]

  Sp = suma / deno  ## Pooled covariance matrix.

  for (k in 1:g) 
    Falta = Falta + ((n[k] - 1) * log(det(covList[[k]])))
  MB = (sum(n) - g) * log(det(Sp)) - Falta  ## Box's M statistic.
  suma1 = sum(1 / (n[1:g] - 1))
  suma2 = sum(1 / ((n[1:g] - 1)^2))
  C = (((2 * p^2) + (3 * p) - 1) / (6 * (p + 1) * (g - 1))) *
    (suma1 - (1 / deno))  ## Computing of correction factor.
  if (bandera == 1) {
    X2 = MB * (1 - C)                ## Chi-square approximation.
    v = as.integer((p * (p + 1) * (g - 1)) / 2)  ## Degrees of freedom.
    ## Significance value associated to the observed Chi-square statistic.
    P = pchisq(X2, v, lower=TRUE)   

    cat('     MBox     Chi-sqr.         df          P\n')
    cat(sprintf("%10.4f%11.4f%12.i%13.4f\n", MB, X2, v, P))
    if (P >= alpha) {
      cat('Covariance matrices are not significantly different.\n')
    } else {
      cat('Covariance matrices are significantly different.\n')
    return(list(MBox=MB, ChiSq=X2, df=v, pValue=P))
  } else {
    ## To obtain the F approximation we first define Co, which combined to
    ## the before C value are used to estimate the denominator degrees of
    ## freedom (v2); resulting two possible cases. 
    Co = (((p-1) * (p+2)) / (6 * (g-1))) * (suma2 - (1 / (deno^2)))
    if (Co - (C^2) >= 0) {
      v1 = as.integer((p * (p + 1) * (g - 1)) / 2)  ## Numerator DF.
      v21 = as.integer(trunc((v1 + 2) / (Co - (C^2))))  ## Denominator DF.
      F1 = MB * ((1 - C - (v1 / v21)) / v1) ## F approximation.
      ##  Significance value associated to the observed F statistic.
      P1 = pf(F1, v1, v21, lower=FALSE) 

      cat('     MBox         F           df1          df2          P\n')
      cat(sprintf("%10.4f%11.4f%11.i%14.i%13.4f\n", MB, F1, v1, v21, P1))
      if (P1 >= alpha) {
        cat('Covariance matrices are not significantly different.\n')
      } else {
        cat('Covariance matrices are significantly different.\n')
      return(list(MBox=MB, F=F1, df1=v1, df2=v21, pValue=P1))
    } else {
      v1 = as.integer((p * (p + 1) * (g - 1)) / 2)     ## Numerator df.
      v22 = as.integer(trunc((v1 + 2) / ((C^2) - Co))) ## Denominator df.
      b = v22 / (1 - C - (2 / v22))
      F2 = (v22 * MB) / (v1 * (b - MB))  ## F approximation.
      ## Significance value associated to the observed F statistic.
      P2 = pf(F2, v1, v22, lower=FALSE)
      cat('     MBox         F           df1          df2          P\n')
      cat(sprintf('%10.4f%11.4f%11.i%14.i%13.4f\n', MB, F2, v1, v22, P2))
      if (P2 >= alpha) {
        cat('Covariance matrices are not significantly different.\n')
      } else {
        cat('Covariance matrices are significantly different.\n')
      return(list(MBox=MB, F=F2, df1=v1, df2=v22, pValue=P2))

> From: Janke ten Holt
> Hello,
> I am switching from SPSS-Windows to R-Linux. My university is very 
> SPSS-oriented so maybe that's the cause of my problems. I am 
> a beginner 
> in R and my assignments are SPSS-oriented, so I hope I don't annoy 
> anyone with my questions...
> Right now I've got 2 problems:
> -I have to evaluate discriminant functions I have calculated with 
> lda(MASS). I can't find a measure that evaluates their significance 
> (Wilk's lambda in my textbook (Stevens,(2002),"Applied multivariate 
> statistics for the social sciences")and in SPSS). Is there a Wilk's 
> lambda for discriminant functions in R? or can I use an alternative 
> measure? or am I thinking in the wrong direction? I have searched the 
> help-archive to find similar questions to mine but no answer to them.
> -My second problem: to check the assumption of multivariate 
> homoscedasticity I have to test if the variance-covariance 
> matrices for 
> my variables are homogene. My textbook suggests Box's M test. I can't 
> find this statistic in R. Again I have found similar questions in the 
> help-archives, but no answers. Is there a way to calculate 
> Box's M in R? 
> Or is there an alternative way to check for multivariate 
> homoscedasticity?
> Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Janke ten Holt

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