ff1 <- function(fun, x) {
 assign(fun, get(fun), 1)
 assign("x", x, 1)
 do.call(fun, list(y=3))
tst <- ff1("fx", 2)

This assigns "6" to "tst" in both S-Plus 6.2 as R 1.8.1. However, it also prints "[1] 6" in S-Plus 6.2 but not R. ???

     Best Wishes,
     Spencer Graves

Thomas Petzoldt wrote:


 > f("fx",2)
[1] 6

I would have naively expected 14. From whence cometh "6"?
Also, I prefer to use transportable code wherever feasible. The

2*3=6, which was the intention. It is in fact only a proof of correctness, that "7" is not used here. The proposal of Gabor does exactly, what I want, but if it does not work on S-PLUS, it's a serious disadvantage and I should check this too.

Thomas P.

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