
I have a matrix of type "character" (strangly) and am trying to apply the function "aggregate" to it, but unfortunately without success.
It seems to me that aggregate would work, if I only could get rid of the quotation marks around each item.

So for a very simple example which looks as my actual data look (of course here I put the quotation marks on purpose, but I have no idea where they come from in my actual data):

> x <- matrix(c("a","b","1","a","c","3","b","b","2"), nr=3, byrow=T, dimnames=list(1:3, c("type","group","value")))
> x
type group value
1 "a" "b" "1"
2 "a" "c" "3"
3 "b" "b" "2"

I can't access the columns the way I think would be necessary for aggregate to work:
> x$type

And this seems to be the problem:
> typeof(x)
[1] "character"

I think I would need to have type "list" to be able to apply "aggregate".

How can I accomplish this?


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