I don't think it is correct that "there are two types of expressions and calls". There is only one type of these things. I believe the relevant distinction here is between 'call' objects (which can be informally thought of as the parse trees of unevaluated R code, and which formally have mode 'call' in R) and other things like objects of mode 'function', etc.

However, this is all does pretty confusing when using substitute(), because, substitute() does go inside objects that have mode 'call', but doesn't go inside of objects that have mode 'function' or 'expression'. What makes it more confusing is that sometimes 'call' objects can be wrapped up in expression objects. Note that parse(text=) returns a 'call' object wrapped in an 'expression' object, whereas quote() returns a 'call' object -- I believe that in general it is true that parse(text="XXX")[[1]] === quote(XXX).

Earlier in this discussion, Peter Dalgard stated "you can only do substitutions on language objects" and then used the function is.language() in an example, which I took at that time to imply that substitute() would go inside objects for which is.language() returned true. However, from experimenting, it seems that is.call() rather than is.language() is the appropriate test.

Here are some simple examples.

> esub <- function(expr, sublist) do.call("substitute", list(expr, sublist))
> e1 <- parse(text="a + 1")
> e2 <- quote(a + 1)
> e1
expression(a + 1)
> e2
a + 1
> mode(e1)
[1] "expression"
> mode(e2)
[1] "call"
> identical(e1[[1]], e2)
[1] TRUE
> # substitute() doesn't go inside e1, even though is.language(e1) is TRUE
> c(is.language(e1), is.call(e1))
> esub(e1, list(a=as.name('b')))
expression(a + 1)
> c(is.language(e2), is.call(e2))
> esub(e2, list(a=as.name('b')))
b + 1
> c(is.language(e1[[1]]), is.call(e1[[1]]))
> esub(e1[[1]], list(a=as.name('b')))
b + 1
> identical(e2, e1[[1]])
[1] TRUE
> ef <- Quote(function() a + 1)
> f <- function() a + 1
> c(is.language(ef), is.call(ef))
> esub(ef, list(a=as.name('b')))
function() b + 1
> c(is.language(f), is.call(f))
> esub(f, list(a=as.name('b')))
function ()
a + 1
> c(is.language(body(f)), is.call(body(f)))
> esub(body(f), list(a=as.name('b')))
b + 1

I also see that in S-plus 6.2, substitute() behaves differently -- it does go inside objects of mode 'call' and 'expression' and substitutes 'b' for 'a' in every case above. To run the above code in S-plus, first do:
> body <- function(f) f[[1]]
> quote <- Quote

Although there isn't much to guide one in the documentation ?substitute, the "R Language manual" does have some discussion of substitute() and 'expression' objects.

-- Tony Plate

At Thursday 10:58 PM 3/18/2004, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:

Thanks. Thus it seems that there are two types of expressions and calls:

1. fully expanded
2. partially expanded

and that fully expanded ones are a prerequisite for substitution.
body() and quote() produce such fully expanded expressions.

Using a small utility function we can investigate this:

recurse <- function( x, idx = NULL )
        if ( length( x ) > 0 ) {
                for( i in seq( along = x ) )
                        if (length(x[[i]])>1)
                                Recall( x[[i]], c(idx, i))
                        else {
                                if (length(idx)) cat(idx,"")
                                cat( i, class(x[[i]]), ":" )
                                cat( rep("\t",length(idx) + 2) )
                                print( x[[i]] )

f <- function(){a+1}

eb <- body(f)

eq <- quote(function(){a+1})

ep <- parse(text=deparse(f))

The output that the above is shown below. It shows that body() and quote() produce fully expanded expression style objects although body's is of class { and quote is of class call.

However, parse(text=deparse(f)) also produces a fully expanded
expression style object of class expression yet substitution
does not occur with that.  Thus full vs. partial expansion is likely
a necessary but not a sufficient condition.  There is something
else but I don't know what it is.

> f <- function(){a+1} > > eb <- body(f) > class(eb) [1] "{" > recurse(eb) 1 name : `{` 2 1 name : `+` 2 2 name : a 2 3 numeric : [1] 1 > > eq <- quote(function(){a+1}) > class(eq) [1] "call" > recurse(eq) # lines begin with list indices and class name 1 name : `function` 2 NULL : NULL 3 1 name : `{` 3 2 1 name : `+` 3 2 2 name : a 3 2 3 numeric : [1] 1 4 NULL : NULL > > ep <- parse(text=deparse(f)) > class(ep) [1] "expression" > recurse(ep) 1 1 name : `function` 1 2 NULL : NULL 1 3 1 name : `{` 1 3 2 1 name : `+` 1 3 2 2 name : a 1 3 2 3 numeric : [1] 1 1 4 NULL : NULL

Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 17:27:20 -0800 (PST) From: Thomas Lumley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Gabor Grothendieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [R] substitute question

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:

> I don't think I expressed myself very well on that.
> Looking at what we get from the example:
> > z <- substitute(substitute(expression(f),list(a=quote(b))),list(f=f))
> > z
> substitute(expression(function ()
> {
> a + 1
> }), list(a = quote(b)))
> > class(z);mode(z);typeof(z)
> [1] "call"
> [1] "call"
> [1] "language"
> we see that the function seems to be expanded correctly and
> the statement does produce a call object. However,
> applying eval one, two or three times does not give what
> you would think if you looked at z above.

Maybe we didn't express ourselves well enough.

Looking at z above isn't enough. z is a call to substitute().
Its first operand is an expression. The expression contains a single term,
which is a function.

If you typed
notz<- quote(substitute(expression(function ()
a + 1
}), list(a = quote(b))))

you would obtain something that deparsed the same as z, and so looked the
same, but was actually different. In notz the first operand of substitute
is an expression containing multiple terms, which if evaluated would
return a function.

substitute() goes though this expression and checks each term to see if it
is `a`. In z there is only one term and it isn't `a`. In notz there is
(after sufficient recursion) an `a` and it gets replaced.


> z[[2]][[2]]
function ()
a + 1
> notz[[2]][[2]]
function() {
a + 1

are the respective operands, and they still look the same. But

> mode(z[[2]][[2]])
[1] "function"
> mode(notz[[2]][[2]])
[1] "call"
> length(z[[2]][[2]])
[1] 1
> length(notz[[2]][[2]])
[1] 4

and if we try to find the actual `a` in there
> notz[[2]][[2]][[3]][[2]][[2]]
> z[[2]][[2]][[3]][[2]][[2]]
Error in z[[2]][[2]][[3]] : object is not subsettable


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