
I've encountered the same problem as others who have posted under the same

I've had R-1.8.1 installed and running since it was released.  Yesterday
morning when I tried to start Rgui.exe I got the subject error message.
Since I live at the whim of the network administrators I can only assume it
was a recent MS critical update.

I tried installing R-1.9.0 but no joy.

I created ".Renviron" with HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH values set appropriately
(see bat file below) but this did not solve the problem either.

The following did work:

Create batch file MyRBat.bat

SET HOMEDRIVE=D:  # for some reason "echo %HOMEDRIVE%" returns "C:" even
when I set the install path to D:\{HOME}\
SET HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\vinyardwc\My Documents\Rwork\work



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